Thursday, September 21, 2006

Can you identify the movie?

Ray, people will ski Ray. They'll come to Mad River for reasons they can't even fathom. They'll turn up in the parking lot not knowing for sure why they're doing it. They'll arrive at the single chair as innocent as children, longing for the past. Of course, we won't mind if you ski, you'll say. It's only $35 per person. They'll pass over the money without even thinking about it: for it is money they have and trees they lack. And they'll ski Paradise; hit the woods all afternoon. They'll find some glades and fresh track,. And they'll ski bumps and it'll be as if they dipped themselves in magic powder. The snow will be so deep they'll have to brush them away from their faces. People will ski Ray. The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been Mad River Glen. America has rolled by like an army of groomers. It has been groomed to cordouroy, tracked up and groomed again. But Mad River Glen has marked the time. This mountain, this single chair: it's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again. Oh... people will ski Ray. People will most definitely ski.

From an amusing thread over on epicski.

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