Monday, February 21, 2011

A day at Sierra at Tahoe, with lots of snow and people

I took President's day and drove up to Sierra at Tahoe for a day of skiing (87 miles and 2 hours each way, exactly with 23 mpg up the hill and 37 mpg down). I was on the lifts 15 min after they opened, which is probably the earliest in years for me. They had a lot of snow, probably 6-8 feet in the last week so conditions were spectacular, especially for those going off trail. I stuck to the groomed and had a great time. I used MyTracks application to partially track my day (it ran out of batteries about an hour before I did) so some of these are estimates. I logged 15k vertical, about 12 miles horizontally, with a max speed of 34 mph, and a max pitch of 37 degrees. That pitch seems odd to me, since only one trail was steep, and that was after my app ran out of power. I tried to export my map, but again it doesn't work correctly.

Here is the first part -- I think it is limited by data in the GPX export -- because my phone tracks the whole day.

It was very crowded, a function of great conditions and being a long holiday weekend. But it was a good day trip, and if you click on the pic above you can see some other pictures I took.