Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pablo sniffs the twins feet

So yesterday we popped into my mom's house, to see my brother, who is recovering from ACL replacement surgery. The girls cheered him for a while, while the dachshund tried to lick their ticklish feet, at least until he was banished by my sister, wielding the spray bottle of barking deterrence.
We also saw our friends Bill & Linda, and had some lamb shanks from the slow cooker, along with some fluffy mashed potatoes. That yellow/brown/ochre colored cheese in the middle of the table is the hard to find gjetost Norwegian cheese made from goat whey. It is strangely long lived and popular with skiers.

It has been quite hot the last few days -- 95F -- so we are having a cold shrimp salad (remoulade, fennel, and chives) for supper along with some crusty bread and salad.
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