Thursday, April 08, 2010

First Pediatric Visit

The girls had their first pediatric visit (along with their first stroller ride) today. Many indignities were performed upon them -- that the pets can sympathize with -- and the end results are that they are healthy although only at the 5th percentile for height/weight. So we are to get them to the feedlot, and fill up the trough. They spent the rest of the afternoon sacked out after the stress of being poked, prodded, measured and pressured.

My rugged Canon SF400 is now 6 years old, and up to 3000+ pictures, and is pretty far behind current technology. I have seen the difference between more modern sensors and lenses, and have decided to upgrade given that lots of kid pictures are on the horizon. In a happy coincidence, I have a swath of gift certificates from recent birthday/holidays so I'll venture out to Best Buy tomorrow to see kind of deal I can get on the Canon S90, which I've been researching for a few months. So hopefully, the photo quality will be trending upwards here.

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