Wednesday, February 07, 2007

An interesting article on Aspen

The NYT just had an interesting article about regular life in Aspen, which felt like a great place to live. Even though real estate, and life in general, there is very expensive it looks like people get value out of it -- much like how people value the core Manhattan life experience despite the high cost and small living spaces. One thing the tight market has created is this problem, which is analagous to what happens in rent controlled NYC apartments.

Our Aspen pictures are still on Yahoo, and you can still order a picture book of them from the menu. It's pricey ($69 or so) but I got one anyways.

Added bonus - two other bloggers recently talking about Okemo . And a teenager on a traditional club bus trip to Okemo. It's actually kind of insightful into todays youth. I wonder if alpine race camp is like this.

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