Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Current Voting for the 06 Ski Trip

Ski Area Voting A/S T/P BS/TBM

Totals: 20 14 14

Yuji 3 1 2
Sparky 3 1 2
Plant 3 2 1
Bruha 3 2 1
Bagel 3 1 2
SPAM 2 1 3
OD 2 3 1
Waldo 1 3 2

Each first place vote got 3 pts, second place 2 pts, and third place vote 1 pt.
Highest pt total indicates most popular choice.

A/S = Aspen / Snowmass
T/P = Telluride / Purgatory
BS/TBM = Big Sky / The Big Mountain

It would appear that Aspen / Snowmass is the winner, although we have not heard
yet officially from Guano. Keith was still thinking about attending, but probably only
if it was Aspen / Snowmass. (I didn't put down a vote for that, btw)

Only one person had A / S down as a last choice, but I'm hoping that it is still a desirable
place to visit, and that no one is grossly disatisfied. If we are all in consensus that Aspen / Snowmass
is the lucky recipient of our traveling dollars, we would not need the extra midweek travel day.
That would make the trip from Jan 21 - Jan 29 officially.


PS: It appears the blog destroyed my formatting on the voting -- hopefully its somewhat intelligble even without being in nice collumns