Sunday, February 05, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday at Heavenly

In the last 20 years, I've probably only watched one Superbowl. It's a great day to ski, since crowds are thin, and usually the mountain will offer some kind of deal to get business on what will be a low traffic day. Today was no exception: cold temperatures which are good for soft snow and nice conditions, clear skies with bright sun, and so little people that we could park right at the top of the California base lodge.

J. got both our RFid tags working so we could track our vertical, and get pictures as well. Click on the pic above to see what we did today.

There were two odd things that happened today at the mountain: a glider crash landed on one of the lower California mountain runs, and they had to clear out the parking lot (where I was waiting) to land a medevac chopper (which I don't think was related).

It was a long day trip, but thanks to my mom for watching the girls today, so we could go for the day.