Friday, September 03, 2010

What have we been cooking recently?

Now that we are back home, we've been able to go back to using all our cookbooks and kitchen kaboodle.

Last week we made:

Lamb and chicken biryani
Ham and 13 bean soup
Roast sole over rosemary potatoes
Chicken tetrazinni

A mixed grill of lamb chops, fennel, and zucchini

I used a Jamie Oliver cookbook for the italiczed ones of those, and although it's a visually appealing book (lots of great pictures etc) I don't find the recipes to be anything special, or worth making again. They are vexingly imprecise too. The bean soup recipe was from our battered Sheila Lukins (of Silver Palate fame) book, and it was outstanding, although it took 8 hours to make.

The baby on the left is Shelly's new son, named in honor of Kaiser Wilhelm, the last emperor of Germany.
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