Sunday, July 04, 2010

Independance Day Pool Party

This was the fate of that big fish from the earlier post -- stuffed with dill and lemons and then roasted for 45min on the grill, where it took most of the space. With some beets and roast asparagus on the side, it made a fine dinner. Plus the scant leftovers provided the base for salmon scrambled eggs the next morning. Superb quality from Santa Monica Seafoods, well worth their premium pricing.
Before the pool party, Meribel had her own bath, in the pool of the kitchen sink. The girls like getting bathed and squawk when removed from the warm water.
The table of food, before the hordes descended and gobbled it all up. There were about 15 kids running and screaming in and around the pool, which was filled with strange inflatable pool toys. The toys all had cartoon names unrecognizable to me, although I suppose in two years I'll know Nemo and his ilk are. Whatever happened to playing Marco Polo?
Ilsa in the lovely outfit that Mauricio and Laetitia sent her. The twins got to wear their party dresses yesterday, showing off their new clothes to everyone. In the end, we decided not to let them dip their toes in the pool, so they could only look from afar at the festivities. Some friends also brought over a bushel of previously loved clothes that will fit the girls well. Thank you for that.
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