Saturday, April 12, 2008

The final ski day of the season

Today was the last ski day of the year for me, courtesy of Okemo's free day for FlexCard holders. It was warm, slushy and sparsely attended but I still got a couple of pleasant hours in.

I doubt the temperature was below freezing last night, because the snow felt like a slurpee, without the sticky red syrup. In conditions like that you have to lean back a little bit more than usual, because if you hit soft patches your skis suddenly start going slower and you will lose your balance if your center of gravity is too far forward.

It's unnerving to ski like that because you have less control and causes your skis to slide around. Still it was a fun day, although I would not have spent the $50 or so I saw some others laying out for the privilege.

It is difficult to do much spring skiing once it stops freezing overnight. That freeze / thaw cycle is needed so that the ice clusters can recrystallize which makes for hard/fast conditions in the morning but nice soft "corn" a little before noon.

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