Flying monkey baby, escaping from our home, a UN No Fly zone.
Upon landing, she was kissed by the dog/pope, which caused howling
Later they patched things up, while her sister decided to throw the Sunday papers all over the family room.Flying monkey baby, escaping from our home, a UN No Fly zone.
Upon landing, she was kissed by the dog/pope, which caused howling
Later they patched things up, while her sister decided to throw the Sunday papers all over the family room.Created by My Tracks on Android.
Total Distance: 57.58 km (35.8 mi)
Total Time: 4:15:14
Moving Time: 3:00:00
Average Speed: 13.54 km/h (8.4 mi/h)
Average Moving Speed: 19.19 km/h (11.9 mi/h)
Max Speed: 47.70 km/h (29.6 mi/h)
Min Elevation: 2461 m (8073 ft)
Max Elevation: 3413 m (11196 ft)
Elevation Gain: 5172 m (16969 ft)
Max Grade: 60 %
Min Grade: -33 %
Recorded: Wed Mar 02 09:45:20 PST 2011
Activity type: skiing